PRHS Covid-19 Information

Pit River Health Services, Inc. provides Covid-19 vaccinations. Below are flyers and information available for download, as well as links to helpful resources.

From the CDC Website: Clinical trials are conducted to determine vaccine efficacy before the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) determines whether to approve a vaccine. CDC and other partners assess COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness under real-world conditions after the FDA approves a vaccine. This helps us understand if vaccines are performing as expected outside the more controlled setting of a clinical trial, which tests a vaccine before approval. Adverse events, including severe allergic reactions, after COVID-19 vaccination are rare but can happen. For this reason, everyone who receives a COVID-19 vaccine is monitored by their vaccination provider for at least 15 minutes. If after leaving a vaccination provider site you think you or your child might be having a severe allergic reaction, seek immediate medical care by calling 911. Learn more about what you can do if you have an allergic reaction.

Covid Info & Vax Resources

Got COVID-19? - Patient Resources
COVID-19 Isolation - Patient Resources
Who Should Take Treatments - Patient Resources
COVID-19 Treatments - Patient Resources
Adolescents - Patient Resources
COVID-19 Vaccines - Patient Resources
CDC ChildCovidVax - Patient Resources
COVID-19 Immunization Schedule - Patient Resources

Burney Clinic

(530) 335-3651
36977 Park Ave.
Burney, CA 96013

XL Clinic

(530) 233-3223
150 BIA Route 76A
Alturas, CA 96101